Tools for an Easy Plant Based Transition

Have you been considering switching to a plant based lifestyle but have no idea where to start? 

First, i’d like you to keep in mind that a complete vegan lifestyle may not be feasible for everyone. You do not need to go cold turkey. You do not need to feel guilty if you went plant based for a week and broke and had a snickers. In fact, if you do feel guilty please email me and I can give you a list of reasons of why you need to snap out of that mindset!

Here are a few links to everything that helped me which are all currently FREE:

1.) Gary Yourofsky’s Best Speech ever:

I know many do not like to see visuals of animal cruelty. If you are one of those who cannot stomach it, skip 16:00 - 20:06 and 1:00:30 - 1:04:16. Although— I would recommend watching it through. 

Gary Yourofsky is one of the most influential vegan activists to date. He has been arrested 13 times and banned from entering 5 different countries. Yea pretty badass huh? Although he no longer participates in activism he continues to assist people with their questions through online services and is the president of (

2.)  Cowspiracy Documentary:

This documentary covers the impact of animal agriculture on the environment, and investigates the policies of environmental organizations on this issue. This one really got to me because it unleashes the raw reactions of various organizations, when they are confronted with climate change.

3.) The Game Changers:

I specifically recommend this for males. A lot of reactions that come from men when discussing veganism is……… YEP you got it! PROTEIN! This documentary follows James Wilks who is an athlete on a quest for the truth about meat, protein, and strength. This movie not only follows elite athletes and special ops soldiers but it also follows scientists and conducts visual testings comparing a meat diet to a plant based diet. The results are shown right in front of you and will have you saying “wow.” throughout the whole movie. 


Influencers Leaving the Vegan Community